Does Dollar General Sell Beer?

Does Dollar General sell Beer - photo of beer
Many stores such as Dollar General sells a variety of beer brands

Does Dollar General Sell Beer?

Yes, many Dollar General stores do sell beer to adults of legal age.

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Dollar General stores do sell beer and wine to people of legal age. You can see some of their selection online here.

About Beer

glass of beer

Beer is one of the oldest alcoholic drinks in the world. It’s is also one of the most widely consumed alcoholic drinks in the world. Beer is brewed from cereal grain, most commonly, from malted barley, though wheat, maize, and rice are also common. 

Some say there is an American craft beer revolution which targets the mass-produced beers from big names. It was started by a few people who realized that all beer didn’t need to taste the same.  Some started to brew at home and experimented with different styles tastes of beer. Over time craft brew became more popular and continues to grow in popularity.

The Difference Between Ales and Lagers

The difference between beer ales and lagers as to with the yeast used during fermentation. Ale yeasts ferment at warmer temperatures, are known for the fruitier, spicier — also brighter flavors they can create.  Cool-fermented lager yeasts create much more subtle and smooth flavors. The beer color, body, and ABV have nothing to do with the classifications.

Do You Know What Is In Your Beer?

When you open up your beer, you will find wheat, oats, corn, rice, and sugar are added to the mash to increase the amount of fermentable sugar. These ingredients increase a beer’s body or tone the beer down. Inexpensive beers are made by using large amounts of corn and rice to save money. Other common beer ingredients include spices like sage, coffee, chocolate, milk, or fruits. — Each additional ingredient has a direct effect on the flavor of the beer.

About Dollar General

Dollar Generals goal is to make shopping hassle-free and affordable. Founded in 1939, the chain now has more than 14,000 stores in 44 states. Their stores offer every day low prices on items including food, soft drinks, beer, wine, snacks, health and beauty aids, cleaning supplies, family apparel, housewares, seasonal items, paper products. Dollar General sells items from well-known brands as well as Dollar General’s private brands.

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